Njord the Fisherman's Amazing Chest, Issue One

Box Closed


first of all, if you are reading this, could you please instantly like the post? Yes, seriously, it will feed my demons of pride. Thank you in advance.

So, back to the project. Fishermen are also a human beings and they might want some fun. That box (chest) was meant for them — a monthly subscription for a plenty of mystery fisherman's staff every month. 'Who the hella Njord is?' you may ask and I will answer — a random old, smelly and chubby Norwegian fisherman , the ambassador and the face of a brand. By the way, you don't want to see that face.

What? Were you can order? Nowhere. The project was closed. Sad Njord, sad fishermen, sad me. However, I assume it's a good piece of branding, that's why I'm sharing the result's of work with you.

Role: Idea, Naming, Branding, Product Design, Print Design

Product Page: https://www.fishchest.com

Box Opened

↑ It's beautiful not outside only, but inside as well

↑ Logo standalone. So much time has passed and I still love that.

Thank you for your attention.

Stay tuned, and see ya soon.

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