VOLVO CARS World Car Free Day


Volvo Cars is celebrating World Car Free Day with a limited edition shoe inspired by the new Volvo XC40 Recharge—because every step towards a sustainable future matters.

Directly Inspired by The New Volvo XC40

In Collaboration With an Earth-Friendly Footwear Brand, Casca


The first batch of shoes sold out in 16 hours.

The messaging reached 70% of the intended audience with cost per engagement 80% lower than average and estimated recall lift 50% higher than average.

Created and launched in Canada, the campaign was then rolled out across North America, getting noticed in 7 different countries.


Featured in The Times, Autonews, MediaPost, CarBuzz and more

Celebrated by RGD in my nomination for the most impactful designer under 35 ‍

Canadian Marketing Association Awards "Engagement in Automotive Advertising"

Thank You

Creative Direction ..... Dan Bache and Jamie Spears

Art Direction ............. Andrew Reutsky

I wish to thank Dan Bache for involving me in this project.

Posted on Oct 1, 2023

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