Rework - Branding, Mobile, Web, Instagram Design

Rework is a video startup that uses tech and production to create short social media reels and TikTok videos.

The founder of Rework had recently launched his startup. Being a non-technical guy, it was a challenge for him to set up his branding, mobile app, and advertisements. We worked with him in the following areas:

  • Branding

  • Social media

  • Mobile Design


The founder of Rework is an ambitious person who thinks, sees, and acts differently. He did not want any logos that would seem traditional, or casual. He wanted it different. He wanted it to stand out.

A few ideas were sketched. Finally, a logo was selected that was inspired by the Night Fury dragon of the movie How to Train Your Dragon.

Social Media

It was now time for social media design.

The founder’s plan was to have a post that would illustrate the services offered by the company, and then advertise it.

We focused on minimal, straight-to-the-point CTA, following our branding design guidelines. The posts were uploaded to social media, and the advertisements were done.

The advertisement was highly successful! We got several leads from the campaign, the company had dozens of inquiries coming in.

Mobile Design

A few months after launch of the website and the social media design, it was now time for the mobile app.

The design of mobile app constituted following elements:

  • Discovery call

  • Wireframes presentation followed by UX research

  • UI design

  • Group feedback

  • Development

  • Deployment

Discovery Call

The founder of Rework and we sat on a call to discuss his ideas for the app. The founder was very clear about his needs, but had a lot of ideas.

Upon taking note of all of them, we suggested to reduce features list down to absolute essentials, which they agreed to do. We revisited the notes and highlighted the important parts.


This was then followed by the design of wireframes. The wireframes were quickly designed and submitted to the founder and his team for review.

After some back and forth, the wireframes were improved upon, and the design process was begun.

Design Process

The UI design process highlighted the necessity of a unique and immersive app. However, we had only about a week to finish the whole design. Therefore we immediately started the work, and presented results.

The above design is the first draft of the UI design process. The flow was first refined in normal UI and then a more refined version was designed.

After a few days of design and feedback, we were getting close to our MVP. We finally got the product design ready within five days.

The entire team was happy, and excited, and was looking further to work on the app. The team then shortly assembled their development team and the work was taken further.

We were still present in some of the video calls with the development team in order to facilitate the development of the app, provide additional designs, and respond to their queries. The development team has taken lead over the project since.

We made primarily two variations of the Phone app. Clients and Admins.

Due to app's privacy concerns, we can not display the whole app here. Just a few screenshots.

First one is a extremely simple login page that uses custom email and password sent by the app owners. The app does not have registration feature because the aim was to absolutely remove any unnecessary feature.

The projects page where users will be able to track their project's progress.

Other works

We also worked on their proposals, pitches, business cards, websites, stamps, and other projects. Mentioning them would be lengthy.

This is where we can help you.

If you are a founder or developer and would like to get immediately to the market, we can provide you with all the design help you need at affordable rates.

Lets have a chat at where you will be greeted by our designer.

You can also visit us or have your own general cost estimates at

See you.

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