Switch games app
This is a concept for a potential Nintendo Switch game organization app. It would
simply be called “Nintendo Switch games.” Although there is a Nintendo Switch app already, it is only for Nintendo Switch online users and only works with a small group of games.
I tried not to stray too far from Nintendo’s own branding as going too far from it would not make the app believable. The colors are based off of the main colors for the Nintendo Switch, being red. The grey coloring comes from the simple colors of the Switch’s UI. The styling of the icons are also based on the icons that appear on the Switch’s home screen.
Here is a link to the app: https://xd.adobe.com/view/85b9fe15-e991-4d6c-aaf7-273a0f8b923c-d0ea/
This video shows Helen's route, my first persona.
This video shows Hugo's route, my second persona.
This video shows Jeff and Lily's route, my third and fourth persona.