Sleto - Brandbook Design

Sleto Bank Credit Card Service Brandbook! 🌟

🎨 As a brand designer, I'm excited to share the brandbook I created for Sleto Bank's cutting-edge credit card service. 🚀

Sleto Bank Credit Card Service Brandbook highlights:

1️⃣ Captivating Visual Identity: The brandbook showcases a visually stunning and modern design approach, incorporating sleek lines, vibrant colors, and a perfect blend of professionalism and friendliness.

2️⃣ Consistent Brand Elements: I meticulously developed a set of brand elements, including logos, typography, iconography, and illustrations, ensuring a cohesive and recognizable brand presence across all touchpoints.

3️⃣ User-Centric Experience: Every design decision made within the brandbook is driven by the goal of providing Sleto Bank's customers with a seamless and intuitive credit card service experience.

👉 Are you looking to revamp your brand's visual identity?

Let's connect! I'm open to exciting opportunities and collaborations. Feel free to reach out via DM or email.

Let's create something extraordinary together! ✉️


-Brand & Logo Design


-Website design & development

-UI/UX design

-Marketing Assets

-Presentation deck

Available for Branding & UI/UX projects

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#branddesign #creditcardservice #brandbook #designportfolio #graphicdesign #sleekdesign #UXdesign #creativecollaboration

Ashik 🕸
Branding, Logo, UI/UX & Motion design ↴ aerodesign⁕agency

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