Hermeus | Halcyon Visual Identity

Hermeus | Darkhorse Visual Identity

As part of a staged development roadmap, Hermeus will create three unique aircraft – each requiring a distinct yet complementary identity. The final of these three on their development roadmap is Halcyon, a passenger aircraft capable of traveling over 125 trans-oceanic routes at hypersonic speeds.

Cutting transit time from New York to Paris down to 90 minutes, 5 times faster than any commercial aircraft available today, Halcyon aims to tap a potential $4 trillion of additional global annual GDP growth unlocked by hypersonic travel and acceleration of commerce and cultural exchange. 



Marty Berman   | Hermeus CMO

Jeremy Nelson  | Project CD & Designer


Hermeus Website

Heremeus IG

Jeremy Nelson Design

Jeremy Nelson IG

Inspired by the golden age of the roaring 20's, Art Deco, Mid-century modernism, and rise of the commercial aviation industry, we took inspiration from historic aviation marks that could feel classic yet sophisticated.

"Halycon" a name with multiple meanings is defined as a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful, in essence, a golden era. The term is also found in Katherine Lee Bates' original lyrics for "America the Beautiful" and happens to be the name of a species of Kingfisher bird, particularly fitting for an aircraft focused on trans-oceanic flights.

"Oh beautiful for halcyon skies,

For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties,

Above the enameled plain!"

Identity System + Application

Jeremy Nelson
Brand Identity & Type Design
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