My Portfolio of Sanbercode UI/UX Classes

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I worked on this project with my team members, namely I Putu Adhitya Pratama Mangku Purnama and Desy Maulidya Santoso M. Our project is an online course that can make it easier for users to get the online course that users want.

The website project that we created is called DIGISKILLA

Project description :

DIGISKILLA is an online course platform that has the goal of helping people live and improve their digital skills by providing a wide selection of classes that can be adjusted to learning methods (private or non-private) and class registration fees (by submitting a fee reduction or other alternatives). DIGISKILLA is an online course platform that has the goal of helping people live and improve their digital skills by providing a wide selection of classes that can be adjusted to learning methods (private or non-private) and class registration fees (by submitting a fee reduction or other alternatives).

We use tools :

  • Figma

  • Google Docs

  • Zoom

  • Google Forms

Background Project :

Online courses are a trending learning model in the COVID-19 era, as the pandemic has limited human activities, particularly in education. This has spurred rapid technological development, resulting in increased interest in IT-related jobs and corresponding online courses for digital skills.

Goals Project :

Providing online courses platform that have interesting and easy-to-use learning content, as well as customization features related to the choice of learning models and class registration fees, is important.

Design Proccess :

  • Emphatize

  • Define

  • Ideate

  • Prototyping

  • Testing

Page view of Details Case Study

Page view of Details Case Study

On the Case Study Design Page:

Emphasize On the Case Study Design Page:

User Research Plan

The initial step in this phase is to perform research or observation. Qualitative research is carried out by conducting interviews using Google Forms, with the aim of obtaining fresh perspectives and ideas related to the solutions that we will be developing.

Research Objective

  • Gain an understanding of the motivations and considerations that drive users to enroll in courses.

  • Identify the factors that users dislike about online learning platforms.


  • Male & Female with total five respondent.

  • Student or Worker, with 18-35 years old.

  • Have used at least one e-course platform

Survey Question

  • Have you attended any online courses or classes before? If so, what online courses did you take?

  • What are the things that underlie your consideration of taking online courses or classes? Please include.

  • How was your experience when participating in a course or class program that you had before?

  • What obstacles have you experienced when participating in the course or class program?

  • What platform do you usually use when you take the course or class program?

  • Do you like the platform used when participating in the course or class program?

  • What devices do you often use to take part in these online courses or classes?

Affinity Mapping

Following the results of the user interview that was conducted, we finally got some insight from the answers of the respondents and have grouped them into the affinity maps in the image below by highlighting the key insights. We categorize their answers based on:

  • Devices used

  • Types of online course platforms

  • liked or not the online course platform

Define On the Case Study Design Page:

User Persona

Based on the results of previous interviews, we create user personas to understand what kind of users will use our products, and provide a summary of the insights obtained from the participants.

User Journey Mapping

Based on user research and information on the design brief. We decided to make a user journey mapping based on the exist flow on the website which is used as the company's benchmark.

Ideate On the Case Study Design Page:

Problem Statement

  1. Content -> Users feel that online courses present less interesting and interactive learning content

  2. Mentor -> Users feel that mentors are less interactive in giving online courses

  3. Effective time -> The user feels like taking an online course that can be adjusted in time

Our Solution

  1. Content -> Facilitate users to get interesting content material from online courses at Digiskilla

  2. Mentor -> Providing mentors who are experienced in teaching and competent in their fields

  3. Effective Time Online Course -> Online courses that have live sessions and can be adjusted according to the schedule

Page View of the Prototype

Tampilan Halaman dari Prototype

The prototype project is a wireframe from Digikilla, low fidelity and high fidelity.

In Low Fidelity, only the diagram of the wireframe will be made high fidelity.

At High Fidelity there is a flow for ordering online courses from the initial page stage to the end of getting the online course that the user wants.

Testing :

In the testing phase we used 6 objects to be tested by users and invited 3 people to do webset testers. Each user provides their own comments and is used as a reference material for the evaluation stage

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