Designing an Avant-Garde AI Mentor Self-Growth App MOIMO MVP

Cover image introducing MOIMO Personal, self-growth app. Showing 3 key screens

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Full branding and design of an AI based self growth app MOIMO.

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Designing an Avant-Garde AI Mentor Self-Growth App

*Awarded "Best User-Centered Solution" for Final Project in our cohort Jan-March 23 (UX UI Design bootcamp at IRONHACK)


  • Challenge : Add a new feature (MOIMO Personal) on an existing MVP app (MOIMO Professional)

  • Platform : Mobile

  • Team : Mymy & Sarana

  • Duration : 2 weeks (March 2023)

  • Client : MOIMO

  • Tools : Figma, Figjam, Notion

  • Role : UX/UI Designer, Interaction Designer


MOIMO are forward thinkers. They want to simplify life through innovative app connectivity.

MOIMO is a digital IT and consulting company that helps people and organizations unlock their potential.

With a keen focus on identifying skill gaps and fostering self-reflection, MOIMO aims to empower individuals and organizations to soar to new sustainable heights with their mobile app MOIMO Professional and MOIMO Personal.

After the kick-off meeting, we were tasked with designing the new MOIMO Personal feature and creating a seamless experience.

Purpose of AI mentor Moimo app


The stakeholders provided us with a wealth of ideas and directions to work on for the new app concept, highlighting specific features such as :

  • functionality for swiftly mapping and identifying both soft and hard skills,

  • functionality for promptly mapping goals and objectives,

  • "Reinvent Yourself" feature,

  • rapidly identifying skill gaps based on emerging technologies, skills, industries, and roles,

  • an AI-powered automatically filled CV feature,

  • and a community feature that facilitates building connections, skill exchange, mentoring, and finding mentors.

To ensure timely delivery of the optimal solution within two weeks, we first needed to grasp the essence of the subject and then prioritize features to make the project feasible.

The advantage was that we received valuable database of secondary research as well as materials on the existing MVP Moimo Professional which came in handy, serving as a significant time-saving resource during the design of the new feature.

2.1 Secondary Research

To stay competitive in the ever-changing job market, a self-growth app with an AI mentor is crucial, especially with the growing hype of the AI technology.

It allows individuals to reskill and upskill, adapting to evolving trends and technology.

The app would offer personalized guidance, recommendations, and real-time insights, empowering individuals to enhance their skills and seize new opportunities.

Secondary Research main findings

2.2 Market Research

During our market research, we extensively tested and compared various platforms for self-growth, self-evaluation of skills, and CV builders.*

We observed that these platforms typically focus on one specific area of expertise. The innovative concept of Moimo Personal aims to break new ground by being an all-in-one app that connects all the essential elements. With MOIMO as your personal AI mentor, it understands your skills, identifies skill gaps, recognizes your goals, and assists you in reaching your full potential while keeping your resume up to date.

Competitive Analysis with AI goal tracker app, AI resume builder app, AI life assistant app and Skil

MOIMO Personal app SWOT

  • Unique offering with no direct competitors in the market

  • Wide range of features covering various domains, offering a comprehensive growth solution

  • Risk of potential feature overload compared to specialized apps

  • Potential complexity due to multiple features

  • Ability to cater to diverse user needs and interests

  • Opportunity to position itself as an all-in-one solution for holistic personal growth

2.3 Empathizing with the users

With limited time, our focus was to prioritize and assess the feasibility of the mentioned features. We conducted interviews with five individuals, aged between 20s and 30s, to identify the most important features for our target users.

Using the affinity diagram method, we identified three key pain points and requirements from the collected data.

  • People often question their skills and career path,

  • but lack a reliable and unbiased skills evaluation system.

  • Additionally, they struggle with time constraints when it comes to updating their CV and acquiring new skills.

User interview main findings


3.1 Defining our User Persona Alex

By blending the profiles of the five interviewees, we created a Primary Persona named Alex. This Persona allowed us to empathize with the target users and focus on the user-centered design of the app.

User Primary Persona Alex

3.2 Defining our Design Opportunities

Upon creating Alex's User Journey Map, we identified two prominent pain points and transformed them into design opportunities:

HMW Opportunities

3.3 Defining our Problem Statement

With a clear understanding of the design opportunities, we moved forward in this phase to articulate our Problem Statement.

Problem Statement

3.4 Defining our Goals

With a clear problem statement in mind, we established precise and distinct goals to deliver a the most relevant hi-fi prototype to our stakeholders.

Drawing upon the 7 fundamental UX design principles, our primary objectives, given our limited time, were as follows:

🚀 User-Centricity

Ensuring that the Moimo personal app has a clear purpose of solving user problems and enhancing their daily lives. Considering the broad wishes of our stakeholders within our time constraints, prioritizing user needs was critical in guiding our decision-making process.

🚀 Low Learning Curve and Consistency in Design

As we planned to incorporate multiple features within the MOIMO Personal app, it was essential to maintain consistency in design across all pages and screens, using a unified brand identity. We aimed to provide a seamless navigation experience, minimizing complexity and confusion for users.

Through a logical hierarchy and well-defined information architecture (IA), we strived to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

🚀 Creating an Intimate and Relaxing UI Experience

Our aim was to cultivate an atmosphere of intimacy and relaxation, allowing users to immerse themselves in a private app during their personal moments. Guided by the Context design principle, we carefully selected soothing colors to evoke a sense of entering one's own private universe, enhancing the overall user experience.

Our biggest challenge was to transform a complex concept into an intuitive and easy-to-use application, while ensuring that the deliverables aligned with the core needs and desires of our stakeholders.


With a clear vision of the problem statement and specific goals in mind, we delved into the heart of the project: conceptualizing the actual app.

4.1 Ideation phase

We did a quick solution sketching together employing the entertaining "Worse Idea" method—a personal favorite for brainstorming :)

4.2 Defining our Must Have features for MOIMO Personal

We used the MOSCOW method to vote and determine our Must-Have features and update the existing MVP Statement with the new one.

MVP Must-have features

4.3 Information Architecture (IA)

4.4 Early Wireframes and Testings


5.2 Forging a Brand: blending immersive, serene, futuristic, and seamless experience

Design system


6.1 Hi-fi wireframes

6.2 Hi-fi prototype in action

6.3 Hi-fi prototype on Figma



More by Sarana Dambadarjaa

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