4th & Ink Brand Identity Guideline

Case Study: 4th & Ink Studio


Most coaches and small businesses who need a graphic design studio center around the challenges of creating high-quality designs that align with their brand, communicate their coaching services and products effectively, and fit within their budget and time constraints.


We team up with our clients as creative partners, working closely together to bring their coaching visions to life. We deliver top-notch design solutions that surpass expectations and leave a lasting impression on clients and their audiences.


01 Coaches and businesses may have limited design skills, which can make it difficult for them to create designs that effectively communicate their coaching services. This can lead to designs that are unprofessional, ineffective, or off-brand.

02 Coaches and businesses may have designs that are inconsistent across different platforms, such as their website, social media profiles, and marketing materials. This can result in confusion among their target audience and a lack of credibility.


4th & Ink Studio lies in its focus on the coaching industry and small businesses and its deep understanding of their specific branding needs. The studio's collaborative approach, passion for creativity, and commitment to delivering high-quality designs set it apart from competitors.

By leveraging their expertise in visual branding and their in-depth knowledge of the coaching and business landscape, 4th & Ink Studio offers a specialized and tailored experience to its clients.



The name "4th & Ink Studio" reflects the studio's commitment to creativity and originality. The "4th" represents the studio's ability to think outside the box and go beyond conventional design boundaries, while "Ink" symbolizes the power of visual communication. The logo features a bold and elegant typographic treatment, with the "&" symbol forming a seamless and dynamic connection between "4th" and "Ink."


  • Developed the Internal Brand - Brand Purpose, Mission, Vision, Core Values

  • Defined the Target Audience - Created a Buyer Persona

  • Mapped the Competitive Landscape - Understand what the competitors are doing

  • Uncovered the Positioning Strategy - Analyzing the Unique Selling Proposition

  • Shaped the Brand Personality - Brand Archetype

  • Identified the Tone of Voice and Personality - Brand Alignment

  • Developed the Messaged Strategy - Craft a brand story to wrap with the messaging

  • Designed Brand Identity - Logo, Color Palette, Typography, Imagery, Mockups, etc.

  • Crafted Brand Collaterals - Social Media Templates, Brochures, Business cards, Posters, etc.

  • Defined the Brand Awareness Strategy - Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, etc.

  • Launched the Brand

  • Analysed, Optimized, and Evolved

More by 4th & Ink Studio by Kathy Dela Fuente

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