Solar Savings Web Platform

Hello Guys!👋

I'm excited to present my most recent design project, which is the website for 'Calculate My Solar Savings.'

Our primary objective was to create a user-friendly platform that not only helps users estimate the potential savings they could achieve by installing solar panels on their homes but also serves as a comprehensive resource to promote and facilitate the company's solar services.

To achieve this, we've incorporated an intuitive user input form on the website. This form allows visitors to provide specific details, including their zip code, monthly electricity bill amount, and average monthly electricity consumption. Using this data, the website dynamically calculates and displays an estimate of the potential financial savings that can be attained through the installation of solar panels.

I hope you find this design both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Your feedback is highly valued, so please take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to hit the ❤️ button.

In addition to this design, particular emphasis was given to the development of the logo and visual style:

Let's make great products together!


Posted on Jul 3, 2023

More by Viktor Shumylo

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