Music App - Smart Watch

Hello, Dribble!!

I present to you one of my projects! A music app designed for smartwatches.

You can scroll down to see my design process, I hope it inspires you.


The first research point was the content of music apps!

The findings were the following:

1- Visuals i.e. Album cover.

2- Buttons i.e. Play, Pause, Stop, Replay, Shuffle, Previous, Next, Progress bar, Volume, Favorite, Library.

3- Names i.e. Song and Singer.

4- Other i.e. Time.

After the first research stage, the elimination process started! Since smartwatches have a very small surface area and need more optimization, some buttons needed to be excluded...

Here are the excluded buttons and the proposed solution after their elimination:

1- Library button - can be opened by clicking on the album picture.

2- Favorites button - is chosen on the phone and will appear in the library.

3- Volume button - can be altered through the phone or the settings in the watch.

4- Replay/Shuffle buttons - are unnecessary and can be altered through the phone.

The third part of the research stage was the Questioning stage

A big part of making anything great is by understanding the psychology behind it. Because then and only then will priorities be defined correctly. And the needs of the user will be met accurately.

So in this case, I asked two questions:

  • Why people wanted to own a smartwatch? as seen in the left diagram.

  • Why do people use smartwatches? as seen in the right diagram.

It might sound like it's the same question but each question represents a very different viewpoint.

While the second question embodies the genuine worth of the product that allows consumers to benefit functionally, the first one is all about ego and a sense of identity.

Form Study

In this stage, the form of the watch was an important aspect to create the app.

The main shapes of the watch are:

1- Shape of the case.

2- Shape of the strap/band.

In this project innovation and minimalism are the two main core concepts

To embody these two concepts, I decided that:

3- One big dominant contrasting shape of the case; is to add a sense of “innovation”.

4- One small shape that mimics the strap/band of the watch; to add a sense of “minimalism”.

Design Process

Mood Board

This mood board was a general concept that represents different kinds of music, feelings associated while listing to music, inspiration, and a range of color palettes.


Low Fidelity Wireframes

High Fidelity Wireframes

Final Designs


Light / Dark

Thank you very much