A Website Crafted with Figma & Webflow

Embark on a digital journey through Terfuuu, a captivating website meticulously crafted using Figma and brought to life with Webflow. This project was entrusted to me by Tashinga, the visionary CEO of Terfuuu, through the esteemed freelancing platform, Upwork. Immerse yourself in the seamless user experience, delightful visuals, and intuitive interface that I carefully designed to showcase the essence of Terfuuu's unique offerings. Explore a world where innovation meets elegance, and witness the embodiment of Tashinga's visionary leadership.

πŸš€ Webflow Link: http://terfuu.com/

πŸš€ Figma Prototype Link: https://www.figma.com/proto/uqMAe5oFPo6ZSKgTM5tcPQ/Mobile-Apps-%26-Landing-Pages?page-id=55%3A53&type=design&node-id=1652-64990&viewport=8059%2C-18782%2C0.3&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=1652%3A64990

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