Campie, the octopus


Campie, the octopus

First things first. My own logo. Why an octopus ?

Because of the multitask facet I have.

Always thought it was a bad thing to not be able to have just one passion, like ONE thing I'm the best at.

Turns out it can be a good things to be multipotential.

My life and career path as never been linear.

I did a Master degree in Pluridisciplinary Psychology because I wanted to teach people about Social and Psychological phenomenon in Universities.

Turns out, I don't want to teach well educated adult about this stuff, but teenagers and young adults that are still trying to figure it out.

Always been passionate about science and art.

I first chose to do science stuff, because it was a path more "secure" to find a job.

Well, guess what ? Not for me, haha...

So now I'm trying a career in art, finally.

Let's see what will become of it ?

Pardon my english. I'm french.