Tbuddy - solution for all the task managing activities

  1. Dashboard/Home Screen:

    • After logging in, users should be presented with a clean and intuitive dashboard/home screen.

    • Include a prominent task creation button or a plus icon for adding new tasks.

  2. Task Creation:

    • When users tap the task creation button, a modal or dedicated screen appears for entering task details.

    • Include fields for task title, description, due date/time, and priority level.

    • Consider adding additional options like task reminders, attachments, and task repetition if applicable.

  3. Task List:

    • Display the list of tasks in a scrollable format, showing relevant information such as task title, due date, and priority.

    • Provide options to sort and filter tasks based on various criteria, such as due date or priority.

  4. Categorization and Tags:

    • Allow users to categorize tasks into different categories or projects.

    • Implement tags or labels to help users organize and search for tasks efficiently.

  5. Task Details:

    • Upon tapping a task from the task list, users should be directed to a screen displaying the detailed information of that task.

    • Include options to edit task details, mark as completed, set reminders, and add notes.

  6. Prioritization:

    • Enable users to set priority levels for tasks, such as high, medium, or low.

    • Highlight or color-code tasks based on their priority to provide visual cues.

More by Vijaya Prakash

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