Company Profile

I am currently making a design company website for Primakara College, an IT and Accounting college located in Bali. The goal is to create a website that effectively provides information to users who visit the website.

Design Thinking

Why Design Thinking?

The framework used is Design Thinking because I want to understand the problem from the user's perspective. Beside that I want to make new solution and innovation for Primakara.

1. Emphasize

I want to understand what users want, their pain points, and expectations when they visit a college website. What do they need and what are their expectations?

1.1 Identification target of respondents

The target audience for this interview is students who are planning to pursue higher education, as well as individuals who have already gone through the process of selecting a college. These individuals can provide valuable feedback on what information is relevant for a college campus profile, as there are many things that are only realized after experiencing college life. The goal of this process is to identify the information that prospective students are looking for on a college website, as well as their expectations when visiting such a website. The questions asked will be tailored to differentiate between students and individuals with prior experience, with additional questions asked for the latter.

1.2 User Persona dan Empathy Map

Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

3. Define

The Define step in design thinking is the second step in the process, following the Empathize step. In this step, the designer or design team defines and synthesizes the insights gained from the empathize phase to form a problem statement or a design challenge.

In addition to conducting competitor analysis, Value Proposition Canvas is also carried out to identify the problems and solutions that I offer. Than we know what user expectation, what the pain point, what job or task the user want to do, and what we offer to them.

3. Ideation

In ideation process, I try to synthesize the data obtained from the interview process and from defining the problem into a design. Here is the process of searching for inspiration or ideas by browsing on several platforms.

Some websites I use to find inspiration are:

  • Dribble

  • Bootstrap

  • Pinterest

4. Prototype

4.1 For the typograpgy, I use Material Design

4.2 This is the colors

4.3 Pattern

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