Building Services and Invitations Department

The website is an online platform that allows the manager to have full control over adding, removing, and booking offices and meeting rooms. The website enables the manager to view a list of available offices and meeting rooms with their details, and easily manage the reservation process and organize it.

Additionally, the manager can add hosts to provide support and assistance to the tenants of the rooms or offices. The manager can assign qualified hosts to guide users, provide necessary information, and meet their general or technical needs.

This online platform provides flexibility and convenience for the manager to control resources and efficiently manage bookings. The manager can specify available booking times and allocate offices and rooms according to users' needs. Furthermore, the manager can monitor reports and statistics related to bookings and resource utilization, helping in making strategic decisions and improving workflow efficiency.

This platform is beneficial for the manager to enhance the user experience and provide excellent service to tenants, while facilitating the management and organization of available resources in offices and meeting rooms effectively.

This is done through full 3D maps of the place

More by Motaz Bayomy

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