Online Radio and TV - Tribe

Tribe is a Web 3-based radio and television platform that allows users to access diverse Web 3-related content.

In this project, we attempted to create a modern website with a variety of designs based on the topic.

Users can listen to varied radio programming at different times and enjoy it through this website. They can also see adverts on the subject of nft in the background of the site, which allows the site's owner to create cash, and users can advertise their works in it. It is also possible to buy and sell things on this platform.

More pages of this project will be published soon.

2023 - Tribe

let's work together on your project. You can reach me by email at:

You can rely on us to solve your needs and those of your users based on our experience and forces! 🚀

Ace Design
Where Vision Meets Perfection.
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