Webinar recording page


Design and create a web page for webinar recording

Terms of Reference

One screen, on the left side the text in the background, on the right side the form with the name, phone number, mail fields.

At the bottom of the form a link text about the subscription to telegram bot, which will remind about the event and will tell you about the new ones.

In the text, write the headline "How to motivate a child to study with the help of robots?


1. Let's talk about the peculiarities of children's perception.

2. We will disclose ways of presenting information to the child

3. We'll look at types of generations and compare them

4. We'll do an interactive on a real robot and show how it all works!

The webinar is suitable for both parents and children.

And about the speaker we need to tell: a photo of the speaker, write that it is the head of Robouniver school.

Adding Bulls: when, where to watch, level of training.

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