The Pop'd Shop

The Pop'd Shop was an all-natural and locally-sourced soda company with less sugar and whole ingredients to become the anti-soda. With unique and classic flavors, we sought to capture the 1pm - 5pm market that was too early for happy hour and too late for coffee hour without having to settle for Yuck-a-Cola and Big Soda. Because our customers were looking to be energized, I chose to create visual energy using bold and saturated colors with lots of movement. White space was utilized to denote freshness and to give breath to the bright colors.

What's Pop'n?

My role was both as the owner of the company as well as the designer. I designed everything from the logo, to the packaging, to vendor assets, to proposals and more!

Research and Consultancy

It all started with a simple consultant gig. A client was expanding his popcorn business into a new market and wanted to graduate from his farm stand to an actual store front. Unfortunately the new market he was growing into was cornered by the decades old Amish popcorn, which not only was part of local culture, but was a tourist draw.

After surveying local shoppers and performing numerous Facebook and in-person focus groups, the data showed that locals were missing something to wet their whistle after coffee but before happy hour. With an average age of 35 and earning over $50k annually, these millennials were loyal to local Amish popcorn because of the locally made product and supporting their own agriculture. Likewise, shoppers didn't want to satisfy their late afternoon crash by giving their hard-earned money to a large corporation. Secondarily, focus-group members were disgusted at the amount of sugar and chemical ingredients in major soda brands, and frankly didn't feel like they were worth the calories.

So that's why I came up with soda flavors that used locally sourced ingredients and punny names that paid homage to the local area.

Within 3 months, the soda out-sold the popcorn and local cafe and restaurant owners were contacting us to get our soda on their shelves. Shortly, we pivoted to only sodas and became a full-fledged soda manufacturing operation.

More by Sophia Roman

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