"Electropia - parallel systems" is a series of events that takes place between September and November 2023. Electropia is a music project by DJ Grace Schella that explores the intersections of art, technology, and science, making them audible and visible. Topics such as frequency theory, computer technology, electromagnetism, and quantum physics are important components of these events. The artist's music style is a combination of electro, experimental, Detroit, and industrial genres. In addition to the musical performances by live artists, each event will also feature a group art exhibition by various artists that explores the aforementioned topics.


In quantum physics, there are numerous theories that suggest matter ultimately consists of vibrations. Music is also considered as a collection of vibrations of different frequencies. Based on this idea, an attempt was made to create suitable design elements for the advertising campaign using the client's music tracks. Initially, it was unclear which program should be used to create the design elements and whether there was even a possibility to combine music with graphics. Most of the audio visualization programs that meet these requirements are unfortunately associated with high costs and could not be considered due to the limited budget. The choice ultimately fell on the programming language JavaScript, specifically the application of the JavaScript library "p5.js." It provides a simple way to link interactive graphics and animations with audio and visually display them in various ways directly in the web browser.



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