Qmusic Wipeout Surf Game | Offline activation / experience

The Q-Beach House has been a fixture on the Ostend coast for many years. Every summer, the Belgian radio station Qmusic sets up a pop-up location from which they not only make live radio on the beach, but also serve delicious cocktails and tasty snacks. Every day the visitor can expect a live performance and/or a fun activity. Qmusic Belgium approached LiveWall to develop a unique offline activation.

In the Qmusic Wipeout you play a spectacular surf game on a large screen. This game is all about your balance skills on the surfboard. Register with the hostess, take a seat on the board and let yourself go! In the game, your avatar surfs a big wave and continues to do so for as long as you can stay on your board. are you falling? Then you give your avatar a gigantic Wipeout. The longer you can stay standing, the more points you earn.

LiveWall not only takes care of the development of the game on a LED screen, but also provides a balance board with technology. The visitor can register via a tablet so that a photo (with layer) can be made and emailed and then shared by the participant. My part in this project spans from the idea to cleverly devising the tech behind the controller (the surfboard) to directing the design and creation.

Thank you for taking the time to view my work! đź‘‹

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential collaboration,

please don't hesitate to reach out to me via any of the channels listed below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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