Herchu Paynegiver

Commissioner for thelunareign.com

Herchu Paynegiver is around 7ft tall and well-muscled. His muscles are very well-defined and evenly proportioned so he isn't skinny or broad. He has no hair but many pale scars on his face and body. His skin is a smooth stone gray. His eyes are a pale sky blue. Herchu wears no armor on his chest but a brown strap that holds his axe and connects his armored skirt to a metal shoulder pad. The dress is burgundy cloth coated with chain mail links overlayed with strips of brown leather. His helmet is solid iron with a grilled visor and bladed horn, it looks like a broken sword was welded to the forehead. He wears heavy armored gloves of natural edged stone, there are small foreign letters on them you only see in the right light. His weapon is a long-handled battle-axe with twin crescent moon blades. The axe is solid black but the blades are almost white silver. Words are carved into the axe heads in orc language, but the weapon is dwarf made. Orcs have traditionally bestial features like a pair of boar-like tusks that come from their lower jaw and go as high as their nose or more. As a half-orc Herchu's tusk barely cleared his upper lip. Herchu's expression is usually serious, but his facial scars make him seem more severe. He has a square jaw with a slight underbite, strong brows, a somewhat broad nose, and pointed ears. On first impression he strikes you as a brutal and intimidating person who means you immediate harm, Herchu is somewhat handsome. Not a lot though. He is still scary or intimidating

For work inquiries: tartulpurnomo@gmail.com

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