Web Application Component Kit

Say goodbye to tedious UI development and embrace efficiency with our comprehensive toolkit.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, our kit is designed to kick start your projects in no time, providing you with a solid foundation to build upon.

Inside the Nektic Application Component Kit, you'll find a wide array of basic and essential components that are essential for any web application. From simple buttons to advanced and complex elements, we've got you covered.

🌟 Here's a sneak peek at what's inside:

Foundation: Lay a solid groundwork for your project's design.

🖼️ Avatar: Display user images or profile pictures with ease.

🔘 Button: Create interactive and eye-catching buttons effortlessly.

📝 Text field: Capture user input with clean and intuitive text fields.

🔽 Dropdown: Enhance user experience with dynamic dropdown menus.

Toggles: Implement switches and toggles for easy user interaction.

Checkbox: Allow users to make multiple selections with checkboxes.

🔐 Chips: Display tags or small blocks of information stylishly.

📢 Notification banner: Grab user attention with attention-grabbing banners.

📑 Modal: Create user-friendly pop-up windows for additional information. 💡 Tooltip: Provide helpful hints and information with interactive tooltips.

📅 Date picker: Simplify date selection for your users.

🚦 Progress Tracker: Visualize and track progress in your application.

Spinner: Keep users engaged during loading or processing times.

With the Nektic Application Component Kit, you'll have all the necessary building blocks to create stunning, functional, and user-friendly web applications.

Let's get started and elevate your UI projects to new heights! 💪💻

Get your own copy for FREE of the Figma Kit at https://www.figma.com/community/file/1237257539721868424

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