Squarespace Website Design

Presentation of mobile and desktop pages for INFINITE Magazine's new website

INFINITE Magazine is an art magazine showcasing professional and upcoming artists. As this grassroots project grows, I was asked to design a clean, easy to navigate, website where INFINITE can share who they are and what they do.

Visit Website

View their 100% funded KICKSTARTER

Designing with Style

We decided early on that a neutral colour palette with high contrast would evoke feelings of luxury, professionalism, and most importantly, not distracting from the content. A pop of colour for important UI elements completed the design.

Mobile view of the website

Care was taken on the mobile view because of limitations in Squarespace's Fluid Engine.

Putting it all Together

High fidelity layout showing each web page

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Follow my work: Portfolio | Behance

I love tackling unique projects, so feel free to reach out: yukimarshdesign@gmail.com

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