Branding Racine K

Racine K

Racine K is an incubator helping and promoting the development of black-owned and afro-descendant owned businesses. With a wide range of services, they are a invaluable ally for any budding company.

Logo Racine K on paper

The Challenge

Racine K's ambition is to become a leading figure in the african business community and as such, the branding needed to be bold and inspire confidence while incorporating elements of African culture.

The Solution

African languages offer a limitless source of inspiration to draw from to create intricate and powerful visuals. For this logo, I decided to combine the Adinkrahene, Woforo Dua Pa A, and Sankofa symbols.

The Adinkrahene is the symbol of greatness, charisma and leadership. The Three concentric circles symbolize the importance of playing a leadership role and here embodies the willingess of Racine K's founders to make it a cornerstone of the African diaspora's business community.

The Woforo Dua Pa A comes from the expression "Woforo dua pa a, na yepia wo" meaning "When you climb a good tree, you are given a push". More metaphorically, it means that when you work for a good cause, you will get support. For a company helping and promoting other businesses, there was no better message nor symbol.

The Sankofa has the meaning of learning from the past and here is used to display Racine K's founders commitment to their African roots and identities.

Let me know what you think in the comment section below, and don't forget to leave a "like" to show some support! Thanks!⁣ ✨


If you are looking for this type of logo and branding (or any logo that represents your company and your vision), feel free to reach out!


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Hoping to hear from you soon!


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