Habit Tracker
Hi! This is another of my work that is a simple habit tracker.
For me, too many habits a day cause chaos. My ideal week consists of a variety of activities done at different frequencies.
Emphasizing that, I have made a series of habits and given them frequencies, all this designing using the neu-brutalism style.
Working process
Firstly, I studied a good workout tracker app from the AppStore. Afterward, I quickly jotted down some elements and ideas.
The first draft:
Next I started arranging some layouts and playing with some colors.
I intended to have multiple screens for the states of "Add new" as you can see from the third and fourth pages.
However, on the final design, I decided to reduce all this to only three screens.
From the start to the finish, the design was tested on a physical iPhone device to get the dimensions, and sizes right. Elements in design look good but they may not look equally good in the devices.
I had multiple checks to make sure it is all good.
Have a project in mind?
I love the brutalism design style. If you want your app to stand out, and achieve a balance of raw, futuristic look with usability, let's have a chat.