Mental Health Branding / Website

Meet TobeHonest — An "Imperfect" brand, just like us.

ToBeHonest unveiled this year a new look aiming at promoting a new normal in mental health. The new brand and experience is designed around the hopes to encourage a shift in attitudes towards mental health and help break down the stigma surrounding it.

Brand Narrative

As we dived into the brand strategy, we discovered the importance of creating a comfortable and safe environment for our target audience - GenZ. We recognized that seeking help for mental health issues can be stigmatized, especially at a young age. Therefore, we decided to refocus the brand to better align with the world of youngsters, allowing them to feel a sense of ease while navigating our platform. In order to make students feel more comfortable, our platform needed to speak the same language as they do. We responded with a brand that is "imperfect," just like us. Imperfection can be fun and cool.


Big thanks to StudioPam for the dev (highly recommended)

and to @yupnguyen for the animation.

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