Font Awesome Sharp Thin

When your next project calls for slim and trim, we’ve got you covered. That’s why we’re excited to release Font Awesome Sharp Thin icons. Think of Thin as the pocket square of icons. The perfect accessory for when you need a sophisticated, airy, and professional look.  

Here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to! 

Simple Icons With a Clean, Razor-Sharp Look and Feel

We designed Thin icons with simplicity in mind. Clean lines and simple shapes make for a formal, modern vibe that’s perfect for projects that need to convey class and professionalism.

A fancy or formal event might be a good time to think Thin, or maybe when a design calls for low-key background décor. And if you need outlined glyphs in a dark environment, Thin can help cut down on eye strain.

Light, Airy, Professional, Yet Friendly

We built each icon on the same 16-pixel grid as our existing icon styles, but limited our stroke weight to a knife’s edge half-pixel. While these new icons are light and airy, we’re keeping the craft and care you’ve come to know from Font Awesome.

But Sharp Thin icons are only available with a Pro subscription.

Along with Sharp icons, your Pro subscription includes access to Font Awesome Classic with multiple icon styles to choose from, including:

  • Solid — Make a bold statement, even in small sizes. 

  • Regular — Smooth out your design with easygoing, readable icons. 

  • Light — Turn down the tone just a smidgen for when you need a lighter touch. 

  • Thin — Style your site with the latest super-light designs. 

  • Duotone — Go big with an illustrated feel by adding a pop of color.

You also get more Kits, pageviews, custom icon upload, Actual Human™ Support, and more!

Font Awesome
The web's most popular icon set and toolkit.

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