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Data Management Platform SaaS Dashboard

Enter yThis project entailed designing and developing a comprehensive data management platform that seamlessly integrates with various data sources, providing users with an intuitive and efficient way to manage, analyze, and monitor their data. The platform includes both an admin dashboard for customers and a super admin dashboard for platform management.our text here...


  1. Backend framework and database design: We implemented a robust backend framework and data model to efficiently store and process information related to data sources, user accounts, and data quality metrics.

  2. API integration: The platform supports integration with multiple data sources, including on-premises and cloud databases, data warehouses, and BI tools.

  3. Authentication and user management: We integrated secure authentication methods, including SSO and AD, allowing users to log in safely and manage their accounts.

  4. Data classification and profiling: Our platform offers users the ability to define matrices and parameters for data classification, such as PII, Confidential/Sensitive, and Data types, and automatically profiles datasets based on these parameters.

  5. Data quality management: The platform evaluates data quality across various dimensions, including accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, validity, uniqueness, and integrity, helping users identify and resolve data quality issues.

  6. Data lineage and relationship mapping: Our solution enables users to visualize data lineage and map out data relationships, allowing them to understand the flow of data across their IT estate and among business users.

  7. Reporting and insights: The platform generates valuable reports and insights based on data analysis, helping users make informed decisions and optimize their data usage.

  8. Risk management: We built a feature to identify and manage data at risk, such as improperly stored or labeled data, and provide recommendations for mitigating identified risks.

  9. Notifications: Users can configure email notifications for specific events or updates, ensuring they stay informed about changes to their data.

Design Process:

The design process began with a thorough understanding of the client's requirements and objectives. We then developed wireframes in Figma for each page and feature in both the admin and super admin dashboards. These wireframes were iteratively refined based on client feedback and usability considerations, resulting in a sleek and user-friendly interface that highlights the platform's key functionalities.


The final data management platform offers a powerful and versatile solution that empowers users to effectively manage, monitor, and analyze their data. By providing advanced features like data classification, data quality management, and risk assessment, the platform ensures that organizations can maintain the highest standards of data integrity and security. The intuitive dashboard design and seamless API integrations further enhance the user experience, making data management a seamless and enjoyable process for all stakeholders.

More by Alfred Opare Saforo

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