Designing Liftoff Swag

Part of the fun of working at a startup is the random creative projects you might be asked to work on. It's also a great opportunity to flex your design skills in a different context or for another team!

Camp Liftoff Sweatshirt

The Camp Liftoff sweatshirt was designed to commemorate the company's 7th anniversary. The PeopleOps team had already decided on an outdoor park as the venue for the event and after some discussion we decided that a "camp" theme would fit perfectly. I originally wanted to use Hairy Type on this but ultimately went with Korolev which I feel vibes better.

Camp Liftoff signage and branded napkins

The ACPs AdOps Invitational baseball tee was created to commemorate a joint team offsite where we learned about each other's roles and played a couple rounds of mini golf

ACPs AdOps Invitational Baseball Tee

Both these were initially sketched in Paper, digitally inked in Adobe Draw, and final touch-ups and typesetting in Illustrator.

Samson Lee
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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