Perfect fit. - Customize Dress Web Store
Hello again ^^ this is my 3rd design of user interface design for a customized dress web store.
Perfect fit. A Customize Dress Web Store
Perfect fit. is a web-based clothing store that provides customizable dresses so everyone can get their perfect dresses or clothes.
I made 6 design pages for this Perfect fit. web store, that are: Landing page, Search page, Product detail page, Checkout page, Customize dress page, and Sign in page.
The Landing page contains one or two dress products that users can directly add to their cart. This page also shows the bestseller dresses, customer reviews, and our company profile and goals.
On the search page, customers can search for their favorite dresses, our new arrival, and our bestseller. On this page, customers also can search with filters, price ranges, and dress colors.
The product details page will show the details about the dress, such as the material, color, size, price, and also the customer's reviews. This page also shows the recommended dress that our customers might like.
The next page is the checkout page and customizes dress page, our customers can directly buy the fixed size of our dress or make it customized dresses for their size.
and the last one is the sign-in page.
So that's my design for Perfect fit. a web-based clothing store. hope you guys liked it ^^
any feedback is welcomed so I can improve my design skill! Thank you~
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