UX Design Process On My Personal Fitness App

Project Background/Goal

During 2022, I created my own fitness app. During the first round, I did the front and back end of the app. I had no knowledge of coding and where and how to even start creating an app.

I utilized Google and Youtube, reading books, articles, asking others for advice/tips... and I successfully dropped my own app but after 2 weeks more issues arose and I was burnt out. I worked at least 14 hours on the app and I couldn't do it anymore.

I finally found a developer to do the back end of my app and I was able to design my fitness app. With no knowledge of UX Design, I designed the app. I used Figma for my website design but had no idea I could prototype an app using Figma until I found out on YouTube.

After I finished this app and it was put inside the Play & App Store, I immediately searched what I just did and if it could be a career and that is where I found UX Design.

I searched how to make a career out of it and what I need for credentials since I only have a Marketing degree and years of web design experience but no actual UX Design experience.

This is where I found the Google UX Design certificate and without missing a beat, I signed up and complete the course in less than 2 months when it usually takes others over 6 months. I fell in LOVE with it and I wanted more.

Now since I am currently seeking a full-time position in UX Design, I decided to take you guys through the process I took when I was designing the Fit Bod Squad App.


Project Problem's

1.)     Create a app that can track progress via apps such as Fitbit and Apple Health

2.)     Create a mobile app that can track progress such as body measurements and before and after pictures.

3.)     Bridging the gap between me and other online fitness coaches.

Competitor Audit

When creating the app, I didn’t know Competitor Audit’s were a thing but I did know to study your competitors from my marketing background.

I knew what apps I wanted to mimic and what ones I wanted to avoid. For the first round before any updates, I wanted to my clients to be able to workout, track their progress and measurements..

Paper & Digital Wireframes

I did not know paper & digital wireframes were a thing while creating this app. After I created the thought of it inside my head, I put them down on Figma and put the final touches on it as I went.

So I did create the low-fidelity prototype to show the process I went through and then put the high-fidelity prototype on the second page.

Low Fidelity Prototype

Click Here to view my low fidelity prototype inside Figma

High Fidelity Prototype

Click Here to view my high fidelity prototype inside Figma

Final Wireflows

View The Final App Inside The Play & App Store


Designing this app was my pivot moment in my life to make the change in my career. I absolutely fell in love with the design process and creating the prototypes. That is when I did my research on how to make this a career and that is when I found UX Design and then found the Google UX Design certificate. I immediately started the course, I didn’t even hesitate, I wanted to change my career and end my business I started from the ground up, which was Palm Training LLC.


Taking the course taught me so much. You can see I clearly missed so much of the actual UX Design process such as the paper wireframe, Crazy 8’s, Usability Studies, Information Architecture and so much more.


But I can say I designed a app without much knowledge of UX Design and just using my knowledge of Marketing and my own research on design steps.

More by Catalina Palm

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