Hardware Shop Hoarding Board

Day 48 of the "BuiLD 1.0" challenge organized by designdrug.co

The prompt for #BuiLD1.0 phase-3 DAY 48 πŸ‘‡

Pick any poster or billboard around your neighbourhood which you feel can be re-designed to serve its purpose better.

I had much fun experimenting with different animation techniques and pushing my creativity to the limit.

I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed creating it!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below 😊


#BuiLD #designdrug #watchmegrow #uidesign #landingpage #productdesigner #poster#art #ui #uxdesign #abstractart #animation #shape #motiondesign #madeinfigma #figma


Reach me here: https://zaap.bio/DVaishnavi


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