Woffice - Intranet, Extranet & Project Management WordPress Them
Say goodbye to boring WordPress themes! Woffice is here to make your community-focused, Intranet/Extranet website stand out from the crowd!
You may be wondering what inspired this WordPress theme…
Well, it’s true origins date back to 5+ years. That’s when we noticed a major shift happening – a powerful call for performance-oriented themes that almost demands zero complexities!
(NEW) LearnPress (free plugin)
Create course
Manage course
Sell course
Live Demo
Buddypress Network
Members Directory (+ profile image, role, filter, unlimited custom fields with icons, you can hide some members types).
Complete Profile page (+ file manager per user, Custom Calendar…)
Activity stream & Groups
Custom user roles (built-in editor)
Friendship & Messaging (+ online chat)
User map, cover image (ajax powered with special integration!)