Musings From Humans Identity

I've been a total hermit the past couple of months or in monk mode as the internet likes to call it these days. But I finally put together a little Etsy shop to channel some creative energy into. I developed a brand for the shop called Musings From Humans. I love sentiment behind the word musings and have used it for years on blogs I've written, so it was a nice personal touch. I wanted the identity to feel elegant and timeless, so a monogram it is!

If you want to have a look, here's the link.

I really enjoyed working on this because I didn't allow myself to get stuck in the phase of overly crafting and pressuring testing and all the things those of us in the business can get bogged down in. I concentrated on calling things finished and releasing them unto the wild, wild internet. I probably have Austin Kleon and his book Show Your Work to thank for that. It's also something my millennial mind is learning from Gen Z, it doesn't have to be perfected down to the pixel. The fact that it's posted and not forgotten, gathering digital dust on my desktop is what's important. It freed me from the existential creative questioning that often comes up while working on passion projects. And even though my perfectionist mind wants to doubt the significance of what I'm producing I have to admit I love a little layout design and simple type exercise. Call it productive or call it practice, it's valuable either way.

Mollie Starr
Little lady living in Australia.
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