Flowboard - Webflow + ThreeJS practice
Recently I felt really inspired by Work Louder products, specially the Creator Micro. So I decided to create a fictional collab with Webflow for a limited edition focused on Webflow shortcuts. I had so much fun that I decided to build a landing page for it and also (finally) learn some ThreeJS and React Three Fiber along the way. This is the end result!
My process:
Keyboard model, materials, and animation in Blender
Exported as .gltf, used CodeSandbox cloud to render on a page
Used R3F + GSAP to load the model, play the animation on scroll, and add some interactivity
Also used GSAP for some text reveal animations
The rest of the structure is 100% done in Webflow.
You can see it live here: https://flowboard-site.webflow.io/
PS: Tutorial coming soon!