Artifact Illustration - Color Exploration
Some of our branding projects include the combination of identity design, packaging, and illustration. While it may seem a bit counterintuitive, we save the identity and logo portion for last, giving us room to build a comprehensive and well-rounded brand.
First, this approach allows us to fully explore the brand's visual language, ensuring a cohesive and consistent identity across all brand touchpoints.
Second, it helps us better understand the brand's personality and story. Illustrations and packaging design showcase the brand's unique attributes, guiding us in creating a representative logo.
Third, it enables us to identify potential challenges that might impact the logo design, ensuring a more adaptable and effective final identity.
Fourth, it encourages exploration and creative freedom. It allows us to see things from different perspectives, sparking new ideas and uncovering innovative solutions that can ultimately influence the logo and identity design.
Lastly, by saving the logo and identity design for the end, we present clients with a comprehensive, harmonious branding package that builds their trust in our creative vision and expertise.