Yubikey.Support for 2-Factor Verification | Yubikey Support

What companies use YubiKey?

YubiKey is used by a wide range of companies and organizations around the world, including:

1. Google: Google uses YubiKeys as a second factor of authentication for employees to access its internal systems.

2. Facebook: Facebook has adopted YubiKey for secure authentication and account recovery.

3. Microsoft: Microsoft supports YubiKeys for two-factor authentication to secure user accounts.

4. Salesforce: Salesforce has integrated YubiKeys to enable strong authentication and secure access to its cloud-based applications.

5. Dropbox: Dropbox uses YubiKeys to provide an extra layer of security for user accounts.

6. GitHub: GitHub supports YubiKeys for secure authentication and account recovery.

7. Atlassian: Atlassian has integrated YubiKeys for two-factor authentication to enhance security for its collaboration and productivity tools.

8. IBM: IBM has deployed YubiKeys to provide secure access to its internal systems and applications.

9. Docker: Docker uses YubiKeys to secure access to its container platform and services.

10. United States government agencies: Various U.S. government agencies, including the Department of Defense, use YubiKeys for secure authentication and access


These are just a few examples of the many companies and organizations that use YubiKey to enhance security and protect against unauthorized access and data


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