Repeat pattern 57

Releasing more colorful ones today. Phew! Feels like I am alive again.

Using limited colors feels so like my world has suddenly become colorless! My brain is like, ‘bring back the colors, please. I am bored. I am going nuts.’

Though when I see others making patterns using limited colors, I usually like them; find them intriguing.

Wondering for answers why the heck I am finding using limited color palette so uncomfortable! When I have just freshly rendered them, right at that moment the ‘meh! Not good enough’ feeling/thought is at its strongest. The patterns look fine later. It’s like I become too attached to appreciate the beauty of them.

Taking breaks in between help a lot. Better than trying too hard when it’s apparently not working.

Likes and feedback are all welcomed. ❤            

For more color variations, you can visit my Instagram account:

I usually publish all the color variations there.                            

Interested in working together? Got a project that you think I might be a good fit for? Let’s talk in the email:


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