Paddington - Design Audit Platform UI/UX Redesign

Paddington - Design Audit Platform

UI/UX Redesign


This project showcases a redesign of an existing internal Amazon tool which assists Design Quality Auditors to audit images from studios that go on Amazon Prime Video Channels.

Persona Name: Design Quality Auditor (DQA)

Persona Experience:

- I want the ability to go over and audit each image provided by the studio

- I want the ability to view the image provided by the studio next to the same image with the Amazon visual guidelines over it

- I also want the ability to provide my feedback next to the comparison

- I want the ability to provide feedback via a repository of common issues as tags

- I also want the ability to provide additional feedback as text if the above mentioned tags do not address my feedback

- I also want the ability to use a pencil tool over the image to provide visual queues for my feedback

- I also want the ability to upload attachments to my feedback

- I want the ability to review my feedback before I submit it

Persona Name: Studio POC

Persona Experience:

This experience will be fleshed out as part of Phase 2

Design tenets:

- Avoid context switching by providing all tooling necessary for personas in-house

- Provide all interaction points for the persona in a single UI

- Avoid overloading the visual experience of the persona by providing minimum interaction points

- Remove the need of special skill currently required in the audit process

- Avoid colour oriented interaction points and favor icon/text oriented ones

- Use rounded edges to provide a visually friendly experience

Thanks for viewing! :)

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