Volkswagen My Drive App Concept

Drive what you want, when you want.

I’m a long-time Volkswagen fan. I’ve always enjoyed the brand and have owned multiple VWs through the years (there are also multiple VW illustrations in my feed haha). Our most recent VW utilizes the My Drive app, and after using it for a while, I got to thinking of how I’d change it. The two main features that came to mind were a car swap feature where I could choose any VW and schedule a swap out for however long I’d like. The second idea was the quality of life features to interact with the car. I thought of the obvious functions like locking/unlocking the doors, turning on the lights, starting the car, etc. I completed this concept with a visual refresh relying on organized typography and featured imagery highlighted with a simple color pallet.

Now that these two quick ideas are out I'm sure I could come up with many more quality of life improvements to mock up!

What kind of features would like to see in a car app?

Amir Hamdi
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