Kite Messenger (iOS Secure Chat App)

Some screens from an iOS app design project I worked on called Kite Messenger.

The chat app was conceived as a fun, warm, and engaging app that also focused on secure messaging—in stark contrast to most of the secure messaging apps on the market, which are a bit cold and impersonal.

Worked with the client to devise a color palette, and worked with the talented girls at @Hoodzpah on avatar and background creation.

The app has several facets beyond just secure messaging, too. In brief, a user can customize a ton of aspects of their personal avatar, including mood. The user is encouraged to take photos of themselves expressing a handful of moods right at the onset of using the app so they may react to conversations appropriately (happy, sad, angry, etc). The user can purchase more customizations from a shop, and then some.

Hope you like!

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