Flow: Product Search

We had a problem:

The percentage of program removal is 20%. This means that every fifth user stops using the app. We believe that this is a high percentage. That is why, in the reduction of this percentage, we see growth for us.

The percentage of non-repurchase of medicines after booking in the application is 32%. This indicator also greatly affects our income.

As a result of the research, we wanted to get a list of problems/suggestions to improve the user journey to purchase.

Our hypothesis is that "if we improve the mechanics of finding medicines in the app, it will help find the right medicines faster, which will reduce the percentage of deletion"

When entering the first letters of the product name into the search field, offer relevant products by sorting them by the most relevant queries (first show products that are bought more often, perhaps products marked as a promotion). Also, display search results not only by matching the first letters of the product, but also show results in which the letters inside the name match (people sometimes misremember the names of drugs, confusing the first letters)

Add images of products, because people often search based on the appearance of the packaging, remembering only the approximate name of the product ("the gel in the yellow package")

If the product name is entered incorrectly, offer the person alternative options, as well as offer "Return to main", and on closing, redirect to the product category page to offer an alternative search option. And also add a search field there, which is not there now.

According to the interview results, most people choose products based on criteria such as price and distance to the pharmacy. We suggest bringing these most popular filters to the product page to make it easier for users to find the best option and lead them to purchase the product faster.

Also, users are often faced with the fact that products may be out of stock, but they will still be shown during the search, so we suggest adding to the filters the ability to "hide products that are not available" and "show analogues" so that a person can find a replacement products that are not available.

All of this is to reduce the uninstall rate of our app.

More by Olesia Ridkous

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