Edutech Startup Landing page

Rebranded the website for design This I would normally

  1. Research:

To start, I would conduct research on the target audience, competitors, and industry trends. This would involve:

  • Identifying the demographics, preferences, and needs of college students and professionals who may be interested in Surge Classes.

  • Analyzing the websites of competitors in the same industry to identify what works and what doesn't.

  • Staying up to date with the latest design and technology trends that could be relevant to the website.

  1. Design Thinking:

Next, I would use design thinking methodologies to create a website that is user-centered and meets the needs of Surge Classes' target audience. This would involve:

  • Conducting brainstorming sessions with the Surge Classes team to identify the key features and elements that should be included in the website.

  • Creating user personas to better understand the needs, motivations, and pain points of the target audience.

  • Sketching out wireframes and prototypes to test and iterate on the website design before moving into the visual design phase.

  1. Visual Design:

Finally, I would use my design skills to create a visually appealing and effective website that meets the requirements provided. This would involve:

  • Selecting a color scheme that complements the brand colors of red and blue while also being visually appealing to the target audience.

  • Creating a clear and easy-to-use navigation system that allows users to quickly find what they are looking for on the website.

  • Designing a layout that is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

  • Incorporating visual elements such as images, icons, and typography to make the website engaging and visually appealing.

  • Testing the website with actual users to identify any usability issues and make necessary improvements.

Overall, my approach would be focused on creating a website that is user-centered, visually appealing, and effective at meeting the needs of Surge Classes' target audience. By conducting research, using design thinking methodologies, and utilizing my design skills, I would work to create a website that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

As the colors for the website were given, I just had to adjust the design for it to look more aesthetic and visually pleasing.

Then I focused on what was told to me, the things that need to be included like the “programs we offer, our previous placements, testimonials, and our campus partners in a nutshell” part. So I incorporated them into the webpage with a few of my own additions from the already existing website.

The following is the wireframe for the same.

It was all completed in a day as the submission deadline for the assignment

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