Redesign for Steady Demand by Spoke Design Labs.

Attention everyone!

Spoke Design Labs introduces a new series of UX Audits, where we will be performing audits on varied digital products and websites from different niches. During the audit, we will objectify the areas of challenge and solution with a redesign of the product. On today's note, we have Steady Demand.

Let's roll? Here we go,

Introduction to Steady Demand!

Steady Demand is a highly specialized team of digital marketing professionals, consisting of experts in Google My Business optimization, search engine optimization, and social media marketing. Their focus is on helping local businesses achieve optimal rankings on Google and other digital platforms through strategic, data-driven solutions.

Areas of challenge and our approach to the solution:

During our comprehensive UX audit, we identified critical issues that could significantly impact user engagement on the Steady Demand website

Issues 1: Lack of visual appeal leading to low user engagement.

Solution: To address this issue, we implemented a design solution that incorporated more visually appealing design elements, such as a modernized theme, to better communicate the creative services offered by the advertising service company.

Issue 2: Extensive scrolling navigation causing user to overwhelm.

Solution: We simplified the navigation of the Steady Demand website by condensing the content and reducing the number of scrolls required to access essential information. Our data-driven solutions were aimed at creating a more user-friendly experience that guides users towards their intended goals.

Issue 3: Ineffective iconography failing to communicate the value proposition of the advertising services

Solution: Our team addressed the iconography issue by updating the website's icons to be more visually engaging and appealing. We utilized a strategic and data-driven approach to create a more robust brand identity, increasing user confidence in the service.

Takeaway: Overall, our UX audit has identified key areas where the website could be improved to enhance user engagement, and we have implemented design solutions to address these issues.

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