Brickalicious II

Brickalicious II

In these series I celebrate Hamburg's Brick Expressionism. Brick Expressionism developed in the 1920s as a specific variant of expressionist architecture that uses bricks, tiles or clinker as the main feature. In Hamburg there are some outstanding examples of Brick Expressionism, to name the Chilehaus designed by Fritz Höger or the neighboring Sprinkenhof designed by Hans and Oskar Gerson.

The series includes pictures of the following buildings:

• Planetarium (former water tower), reconstruction by architect Hans Loop, 1930

• Chilehaus, architect Fritz Höger, 1924

• Sprinklerhof, architects Hans and Oskar Gerson, Fritz Höger, 1927 - 1943

• Meßberghof (till 1938 Ballinhaus), architects Hans und Oskar Gerson, 1924

• Montanhof, architects Hermann Distel and Augustus Grubitz, 1926

• Deichtorhallen, 1913

• Brahmskontor, architects Lundt and Kallmorgen, Ferdinand Sckopp and Wilhelm Vortmann 1903 - 1931

• Patriotische Gesellschaft

• Speicherstadt, it was awarded the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015

The series was taken in February 2021.

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