Archidekt Wrapped

Archidekt Wrapped is a tool for Magic: The Gathering players to get insights into the previous year's data of their decks similar to Spotify wrapped. This page is currently under construction, more to come soon!


This case study details the UI/UX development process for my first web app! I always wanted a way to collate insights into player's Magic: The Gathering decks to provide a glance into their style or favorite cards. This could serve as a player passport of sorts to quickly communicate to other players what type of Magic player they are. Thus, Archidekt Wrapped was born! A shameless knock-off of Spotify Wrapped using information from Archidekt, a Magic: The Gathering deck building website.


1 month (February 2023)

My Roles and Responsibilities

This was a solo project my responsibilities included:

  • Flowchart creation

  • Wireframing

  • User testing

  • Hi-fi mockup

  • Hi-fi prototype

  • Case study creation

Low Fidelity Prototype

Coming Soon!

High Fidelity Mockups

More by Tommy Zumstein

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