Packaging design and illustration for plant-based m*lks

Plant-based milk brand Lilk commissioned me to create a logo and packaging illustrations for their two first m*lk flavours. 

Lilk is based in East London in the UK and their m*lks are plant-based blends.

The quirky illustrations help the Lilk brand stand out from the competition. The handmade illustrations make the packaging feel playful, friendly and positive. 

The Lilk logo is a chubby cloud with hand drawn block type. The inspiration behind it comes from the English saying of "having a cloud of milk in your tea".

The colors of the two different flavours are inspired by the classic UK milk carton color palettes. This makes the packaging feel nicely familiar with a twist.

Read more about how I created the Lilk design on the Dieline.


Lilk, United Kingdom

Art Direction

Elisa Eymery

Packaging Design

Federica Aradelli


Leena Kisonen

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Leena Kisonen
Playful graphic art radiating joy

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