⭐️ Our website makeover ⭐️

Surfe is a SaaS company that connects CRM platforms with LinkedIn, saving revenue teams time on admin hassle and manual data entry.

Surfe teamed up with MILL3 to launch their new redesigned website. The goal for the new website was to convey the playful, free, and bold nature of Surfe’s brand, and company’s vision, and to showcase the product in the most compelling way possible. We strove to provide a top-notch user experience with smooth animations, colorful blocks, and streamlined navigation. A major focus was implementing bold photography and the brand colors, resulting in a unique visual identity of the website, giving it an almost B2C feel.

Check it out: Surfe

Landing page for SaaS company offering a sales productivity tool.
Selling good vibes 🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏼‍♀️
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