Simple design for university app

in my country Algeria, there are multipe of universities that don't have their own sites, or apps, and one of them has multipe sites and its not really useful and crashing a lot , so i thought why do not i start a design of an app or site called Myuniv, which u just choose the university u study in and then it takes you to your univ login page and thats it, you have the homepage( it includes all the news of your university, clubs, etc) , personal infos( your cursus, documents like diplomas, cards (which we use a lot) and timeline (ofc your current one)), notifs (which notifies you of every new important thing like if u asked for a new card and its ready, or u can get your diploma, or your recourse is treated,,etc) and last thing is contact, ofc it has the univ coordinates plus list of it contacts with details.

i didnt list all the details but im sure if this turns into and app in my country it will help lot of students, cuz im one of them and i find it so so so helpful for me and all the students plus univ members

if you have any remark you can tell me

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